• Using a custom Docker image to build locally and in Cloud Build

    Going over the afterthoughts from yesterday’s post I figured out I could try one in a minute and refresh some Docker knowledge to use the same build environment locally and in Cloud Build. In this post, I will describe how I improved the CI/CD speed and unified my local and cloud enviroments.

  • Using Google Cloud Build to publish your Jekyll site in GCP

    After yesterday’s post, this site was hosted in Google Cloud Storage without incurring any cost. Every good project needs its own CI/CD pipeline, and I decided to find a way to add one to build and publish the site automatically. And I got it to work, using Google Could Build.

  • Eliminating costs of running a basic static site in GCP

    In yesterday’s post, I went over how to run a little static site (the one where you are reading this) in CGP following their guide.

    After finishing the setup, I had the feeling that at least the load balancer (LB) was going to have some cost. I was right. Checking the billing today, I could see how the LB will incur daily charges even with very low traffic. Calculating the cost of the LB is indeed tricky. The pricing is quite complicated, and you need to take into account multiple factors. I will show ways to eliminate the cost of it in this post.

  • Setting up a static blog with Jekyll and Google Cloud Storage

    UPDATE: You can save time and money if you don’t need HTTPS and you want to use a subdomain. In that case, you don’t need a Load Balancer. See the next note for more information.

    In my previous post I wrote how I created this site and uploaded to AWS S3. For different reasons, I’ve decided to invest my time in getting familiar with Google Could Platform and besides some other little basic experiments, I wanted to move the page to Google Cloud Storage. The process has been quite simple as I’m finding Google documentation quite more detailed than AWS one.

  • Setting up a static blog with Jekyll and AWS S3

    Today I decided I wanted a blog for myself, a place to put notes I can look at later, share in social networks, or write down for closure. I had many other blogs before, all on different platforms, some of them not existing anymore. I wanted to have something I could keep forever and opted to set up a markdown based static blog using Jekyll, git, and AWS S3. This is how I did it.